Saturday, November 10, 2012

Community Service Project

I was very excited for the project the girls took part in yesterday. Let me share the story with you.

A relative of mine is married to a marine and posted on Facebook for donations of homemade holiday ornaments. The ornaments would be donated to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany. This is the closest treatment center for troops wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. While I am crafty, I thought this would be perfect for our girls to understand community and our role as individuals. The journey we are working on right now, A World of Girls fits to help the soldiers.
 I started the meeting by explaining to the girls some important facts about community. We talked about symbols of community and what communities we, as individuals and our families, are part of daily. Our city is a military community, I feel it is important we thank those serving our country when given the opportunity. Many of the girls talked about family in military positions with excitement. They drove straight to the conclusion that the injured soldiers in Germany, missing their home, need some comfort from Troop #30877!! Have I mentioned how much I LOVE our girls?!
We decided to make separate tables with different crafts and split the girls up to work simultaneously. We have 13 girls, each making 5 ornaments. I need to give a HUGE thank you to Jen and Molly for running tables for the girls! I know there is a lot of prep work AND it gets busy trying to keep everyone happy:) Also, I think Karen got stuck with the most time consuming craft and had to help A LOT because some things are difficult for little hands;) So thank you to here too!!
 So here is Molly working with a group on Modern Paper Ornaments Molly, Leah and family also donated the materials for these:
(I think most of our ideas came from Pinterest but I have also linked directions if you want to make one.)
The materials for this one were donated by Jen, Kendall and family:) The Popsicle Stick ornament was very popular because it had jewels and was sparkly:)
Little brother came along to help out too!
Here is Karen helping the girls with a surprisingly challenging Mini Wreath:
We also had Popsicle Snowmen
and Clay Pot Reindeer
Trust me the girls had a great time helping our troops and we donated over 65 ornaments to be shipped! Be proud of them because more than one of them really wanted you to see their work but still donated their handmade ornament!!